The Randomizer ™
The Lynda Barry Jar of Magic
It’s good to force yourself to draw all kinds of things that don’t pop into your head normally. I usually do this with my Lynda Barry Jar of Magic. Her wonderful books have inspired me for a long time and a year or so ago I condensed all the settings, POV, characters et al into sweet, colourful slips of paper. But I keep forgetting which colour is which and losing pieces. Tech-Man suggested he create a spreadsheet where I could pop all the info into one digital splodge with a randomiser that throws up a tremendous/awful idea on the daily. Hence The Randomizer ™. So off to draw a badger polishing a mug in the desert in a fit of rage. Wish me luck … ps I can’t let the LBJofM go just yet though … it’s still safe in my drawer …